Monday, November 4, 2013

1. developing new models of writing
    designing a new curriculum supporting these models
    creating models for teaching that curriculum

2. In spite of, cultures that hate writing, being a woman, being black, being too young.

3. We  (the public in general, everyone alive now, and everyone that will live from now on) need to write more freely and more constantly, and we need a new way to teach people to write more.

4. Because reading could control society where as writing allows society to break control and do what it wants. Reading creates feelings of intimacy and warmth while writing creates feelings unpleasantness and hard work. Yes I remember reading a good book all last thanksgiving break, or reading another book on the porch at the beach. Or my reading chair in my room.

5. Writing is hard labor. Writing is linked with testing. Basically writing makes you think of everything that sucks about academics like essays or say....blogposts.

6. Process writing is the combined process of how most students and authors write their papers, and those common factors of writing were taken and became process writing: invention, drafting, peer review, reflection, revising, rewriting, and publishing.

7. self sponsored writing is a form a writing that belongs to the author and not an institution. The writing is completely free and is composed for anyone from strangers to the authors peers. I don't do any self sponsored writing myself except for the rare facebook status or occasional instagram caption.

8. The 21st century is the age of composition because more people than ever now are composing just for the sake of participating. Basically everyone in some small way is a composer and is contributing to the world. Literacy is now equally split among print literacy, social network literacy, and digital literacy. Now literacy means being literate in everything, on and off the web.

9. The so what of this article, is that the definition of literacy isn't begining to change, It has already changed and is still changing rapidly. Now Literacy is not one definite thing such as understanding print and computer articles, literacy encompases everything from newspapers to tweets and internet videos.

10. Literacy in this article is defined as being able to write just as well as one can read. And that one should be able to read and write every genre and over every kind of media, from pictographs to complex essays, and everything in between digital or not.

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