Thursday, November 7, 2013

2.Writing is a technology because it is a tool that we use to organize information. Writing is a means to an end and it is useful, therefore it is a technology.
3. The pencil is definitely a technology, it is a tool that is a means to an end, it makes a task easier and faster like many technologies do. Pencil's also have a lot of work and thought put into them, they aren't as simple people think. Finally pencils are an improvement on other communications tools which themselves are considered technologies, therefore the pencil is a technology.
4.Plato thought that writing would weaken our memories and he didn't trust the authenticity of the written word.
5. A pro of writing is that it is a good way to keep records. Another is that writing can bridge space and time when a direct interaction is not possible. Writing has uniformity which makes it a good bases to judge things by. But cons of writing are that it can't interact, it can be fraud and needs authenticity.
6 Thoreau's family owned a pencil factory. Thoreau used pencils to write and the money he used to go live in the woods came from selling pencils, not royalties on writing. And Thoreau even spent ten years of his life improving the pencil making process.
7.the phone is just like other communications technologies in that it came, few people used it and almost everyone was skeptical about it, it became widespread, it became accepted, and finally it made its own mark on how we communicate. Phones changed the way we talk, formal introductions and farewells became widely used and people had to learn how to talk differently for phone conversations.
8. With new digital technologies it is now easier for fraud to be committed, also new technologies give people more mediums to commit fraud. Fraud makes the computer less trustworthy and therefore unauthentic as a technology right now, but all technologies were un authentic in the beginning. Fraud has taught us not to trust everything that we read and now we have adapted to that and take everything with a grain of salt.
9. What the author is saying is that when a technology first comes out no one likes it and hates what it does. Then when it becomes accepted it changes the way we used to do things and that same hated technology becomes essential and loved.
10. This authors definition of literacy is simple: being able to adapt to and use technologies, and eventually use the new technology to not only improve old processes, but make new ones.

Monday, November 4, 2013

1. developing new models of writing
    designing a new curriculum supporting these models
    creating models for teaching that curriculum

2. In spite of, cultures that hate writing, being a woman, being black, being too young.

3. We  (the public in general, everyone alive now, and everyone that will live from now on) need to write more freely and more constantly, and we need a new way to teach people to write more.

4. Because reading could control society where as writing allows society to break control and do what it wants. Reading creates feelings of intimacy and warmth while writing creates feelings unpleasantness and hard work. Yes I remember reading a good book all last thanksgiving break, or reading another book on the porch at the beach. Or my reading chair in my room.

5. Writing is hard labor. Writing is linked with testing. Basically writing makes you think of everything that sucks about academics like essays or say....blogposts.

6. Process writing is the combined process of how most students and authors write their papers, and those common factors of writing were taken and became process writing: invention, drafting, peer review, reflection, revising, rewriting, and publishing.

7. self sponsored writing is a form a writing that belongs to the author and not an institution. The writing is completely free and is composed for anyone from strangers to the authors peers. I don't do any self sponsored writing myself except for the rare facebook status or occasional instagram caption.

8. The 21st century is the age of composition because more people than ever now are composing just for the sake of participating. Basically everyone in some small way is a composer and is contributing to the world. Literacy is now equally split among print literacy, social network literacy, and digital literacy. Now literacy means being literate in everything, on and off the web.

9. The so what of this article, is that the definition of literacy isn't begining to change, It has already changed and is still changing rapidly. Now Literacy is not one definite thing such as understanding print and computer articles, literacy encompases everything from newspapers to tweets and internet videos.

10. Literacy in this article is defined as being able to write just as well as one can read. And that one should be able to read and write every genre and over every kind of media, from pictographs to complex essays, and everything in between digital or not.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

1. 1 Tompsons main argument is that social media has actually made things less private and more intimate, where as people thought the internet would make things less intimate and more private.
2 Social media is both a positive and negative thing as now you can build better weak relataionships and keep strong ones strong, but you now have everyone know everything about you.
3You have to play the game now or else others will play it for you and decide what you look like to the online world, which by the way is becoming more intertwined with the real world.

2.Mark added the newsfeed to make it easier to find info about your friends on Facebook. It was too hard to individually go to each person and search their info. The news feed made it so that you just had to look in one place to find someones info but now everyting all your friends do is in one place. But it also took away any aspect of privacy that facebook had. In a literary sense this is bad because it is lazyness and lack of deep thought, but on the other hand this is good because the information you aquire through news feed doesn't require deep thought and therefore less time spent on it is more time you can spend thinking about real info.

3. ambient awarness is having a deeper insight into someone's life than you knew you had. You can pick up on the small things in their life that you might not if you didn't have social media. everyone experinces ambient awareness even me

4. The paradox of ambient awarnes is that even though it is a small low type of awareness where you don't really know the person, over time and several tweets you actually know the person very well and can pick up on small things that you otherwise wouldn't pick up on.

5. An ambient update is something small like "feeling better" that by itself is meaningless but take with other posts can mean, "feeling better" from the flu. to "feeling better" after being shot. It lets the person know a small bit of the person's life, that they are feeling better and now you at least know they were feeling worse at some point.

6. Social media is skimmable and that relates to present literacy in that people aren't reading as long and they aren't thinking deeply into what they read as much anymore. But that isn't bad, when it comes to books and articles people should read more and think deeper, but when it comes to social media posts, people really don't need to read a lot or think deeply because the author didn't intend much behind each post. Also because of the paradox of ambient awarness, one just needs to read a lot of little posts rather than think a lot about a few posts to garnish deeper meaning.

7. Our weak ties on social media are not really friends at all, they are acquaintances though, and social media helps people develop lots of these weak ties. These weak ties are helpful because it people a wide network of people whenever they need help with something.

8. 20 something year olds feel pressured to stay on social media sites because if they don't stay active building and maintaing their image, someone else will define their image for them. The name of the game is defense, and if you don't play then you don't get to decide how you are perceived on the internet.

9. This article defines literacy as being able to sift through the multitudes of data on social networking sites in order to determine what a person is like by unconciously adding up all their posts and putting together a story of their life. Thompson describes being literate as reading quickly enough not to waste time, but still able to determine what is going on in hundreds of peoples lives through social networking sites.

10. This whole thing was so very very long, I almost wanted to cry a little, Helen probably did cry, Avery certainly cried.
Shirky is making the argument that media is no longer a one directional stream. Media now is divided up into consuming, producing, and sharing. Right now the most of the population is on the "consume" setting of media. The internet streams 1 trillion hours of tv a year that is consumed. Shirky is arguing that more of the time spend consuming could go to producing and sharing which could have a very positive effect on society as a whole. Shirky is saying that the change is coming soon with the new generation which is raised to not only consume, but interact with their media and then share what they made. This article coincides with the other two articles in that to be literate now is to be able to surf the web and read books and watch movies. But this article goes deeper in that it takes for granted that being literate is the ability to think deeply, this article just assumes that that is a basic part of being literate. This article goes on to say the being literate will soon mean producing and sharing a lot more than we do now. Shirky says that we will spend less time consuming and more time producing and that will help the population as a whole. Being literate will soon mean not watching culture from the outside, but making culture, and becoming an integral part of media and culture itself. This article matters because it goes beyond what Literacy is now and talks about what literacy will be like and require in the near future. This article finishes the scrooge story of literacy by giving us a glimpse of the future in addition to the present and past.

The repletion of "cognitive surplus" lets the reader know what really matters to Shirky. "Cognitive Surplus" is the amount of time that people have not being used by work, Cognitive surplus is the free time that we have that can be used for either consumption or production of media. Unfortunately now consumption is the name of the game when it comes to "cs" but the tide is beginning to turn to the direction of producing and sharing media rather than just consuming it. Shirky is saying that if we spend 1% of our tv time producing, we could make the equivalent of 100 total wikipedia's a year, not wikipedia pages, but the collective wikipedia as a whole. Shirky is saying that no one knows what will come of all this producing, but will millions of man hours and infinite ideas, he's betting there will be some positive projects that are beneficial to society.