Tuesday, October 29, 2013

 The article claims  that the increased use of the internet in place of reading print is changing the way we think. We used to have to think deep and take our time to understand the text that we read, but now we can access all the information we want and we don't really have to think or process the information. The internet has all the information we want but it also comes with distractions that keep you from focusing on the text for too long or focusing on the text too deeply. As the internet becomes more intelligent and more human, we become more machinelike with less thought processing.
The internet has made it easier for us to find information and thus it makes us not work as hard for the information we want. The internet distracts us from our deep thought and reflection so much that we tend not to do it anymore. Study's haven't shown how, but the internet is changing the way we think and rewiring our neural pathways.
 Literacy in this article is defined pretty much the same, except instead of speech being in danger, its print. Literacy is the deep thought and reflection of processing either text or thoughts themselves to gain deeper insight into them. In this article alone literacy is defined as being able to think about and analyze print over a generous amount of time as opposed to skimming and article over a few minutes.
The internet has changed the thought and reading processes of many people in that people are now more efficient. People take less time to think about an article or even read it for that matter, they just skim over the text for a few minutes and then skip on to something else interesting they saw on the web. The internet is broadening what people read rather than making people think deeper into what they read. The author uses older changes in technology to demonstrate what people thought about changes similar to this and how they actually turned out such as the transition to mechanical clocks. He also brings up how changes in medium change the way we write and read just like how Nietzsche changed what he wrote when he changed how he wrote. And finally he brought up HAL and how it was more emotional, more human, than the actual humans because the actual humans lost the reasoning skills of deep thought. This evidence was very effective for the singular reason that it showed relevance throughout different situations and examples. It was different but it all helped prove a different part of the same point. The article's answer to the "so what" question is that as we rely more on the internet we lose the ability to think deeply into text and thought. This topic matters because it is a phenomenon that is happening right now, the reader should take away that they should take more time reading and not get distracted.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'm choosing to write my paper on Rihanna's Instagram because her's has lots of pictures that actually speak to her character. She has lots of posts that have comments and she sets a definite opinion of herself on there. Her pictures actually give insight into her life instead of just promoting her career. I think that she is one of the few people who posts what she wants to and not what it best for her to post which means I can actually figure something out from her Instagram instead of most other celebrities' instagrams out there. Her identity through instagram is shown to be that of a bad girl who doesn't care what other people think. She is also a bit of a party girl and she enjoys life, she has pictures from all over the world and of her at events. She is also a bit unstable and gets made at what other people say so deep down she probably actually cares what people think. She has lots of pictures of her in little to no clothes which I think means she's trying to give off the image of being confident and not caring. But the amount of those pictures might hint to her trying to overcompensate. She is also a Breaking Bad fan.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

1.My Instagram and Facebook Timeline reveal that I am a fun loving, social person, who is a bit adventurous, and I don't make a big deal out of things. And Also I'm really really Awesome.

3. These posts and pictures are all pretty much social and interactive which show that I am a guy who likes to hang out with people and that I'm not a loner. They show that I have a sense of humor and am not afraid to make fun of myself a little bit. Im a bit adventurous and really try to live the fun side of life.

4. I might feel a little bit that I have to have some social media presence just so my friends away at different colleges can see what I'm up to. But I also do it just because its fun and doesn't take up much time. I of course feel pressured to censor myself, I know future employers will look at my life and I can't show anything that portrays me as irresponsible, plus once I put something out there it is there for good.

5. I would definitely still get the job I don't put anything bad on my social media, if anything social media would help me get the job because I am portrayed as a fun likable guy. Also there are no photos or posts about me doing anything illegal or stupid, besides the hot wings Instagram.