Sunday, September 8, 2013

I didn't fully follow the process that the book describes in that section. But writing a rough draft is always necessary. My rough drafts usually arent that rough because what I like to do is put a lot of effort into them and most of my planning before hand. That way when I write my rough draft I just do it very well and then I just have to edit it. One thing that is very rough about the rough drafts I write is the grammar and spelling. I am an awful speller so I usually just let autocorrect take care of the problem. And if autocorrect doesn't take care of the spelling problem I just keep typing and fix it when I am done with the paper or done writing for the day. Grammar I usually just rely on re reads to catch the grammar errors and then rely on peer edits to catch the rest of the issues. I think writing multiple drafts is stupid and a waste of time unless the draft actually sucks a lot. I think you should just polish the draft a lot and do what you need to do to fix it if it is fairly good to begin with. The mandatory drafts you made us do definitely made me begin my paper early. Please keep setting mandatory draft days early because as soon as you give us one I usually try and do more than necessary and end up finishing early.

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