Monday, September 16, 2013

Analysis of Closing Time song and video.

“Closing Time”- The bar is closing=go home goodbye, its over
“Open all the doors and let you out into the world”- time to go outside, into the world, perhaps leaving the bar to go do something real, or ending a chapter of your life and its time to go forth into the real world
“closing time”-repetition=important
“Turn all of the lights on over every boy and every girl”- turn on the lights could mean wake up and get ready to go, and every boy and girl= everyone in the bar or world
“one last call for alcohol so finish your whiskey or beer”- obviously closing time so last chance to get booze, or last chance to have fun and relax before the real world. Or last chance to grab a drink with the girl you want.
“you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here”-the bar or school or parents don’t care what happens to you next, but you cant stay here. You have to act now, maybe get the girl and go home with her or get a job, but the easy time is over, DO SOMETHING
“I know who I want to take me home” (3X) – the girl that he wants to be with, he hopes he goes home with her from the bar, or maybe she comes and picks him up because she cares. But he wants her.
“Time for you to go out to the places you will be from”-time to make a new home(where you will be from) or (who you will be with) go to those places and start a new beginning, cause this part of life or relationship status is over. Go to a new home, although it won’t feel like it for a while, and neither will the new girl seem as right as the old one for a while.
“This room won’t open till your brothers or your sisters come/So gather up your jackets, move it to the exits/I hope you have found a friend”-Get your stuff(affairs in order, or your lady) and go forth! This place wont be ready until you do what you need to do and have established relationships(bros and sisters) and also the next generation of people to the “bar”. Hope you found a friend, either an actual friend to help you out later in life or have fun with after the bar. Or found your lady friend.
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end”- your new chapter in life has to come at the expense of the old one, high school to college. Or you get the girl and you are finally moving on from your old girl, but you are happy with the new one. Or the more sad version which happens in the video, the guy doesn’t find the girl, therefore its “closing time” he gives up on her, but its bittersweet because “every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end” so that means because he gave up on this girl another one is right around the corner.
The music video has two camera shots the entire video and the timing of the video has to match up perfectly for it to work. Much the way the timing of the man and the woman in the video is focused on, they never quite get to meet each other, they always miss each other barely. This could be that the timing of their relationship was not right due to the man the woman or other circumstances. This relates to Friends with Benefits because the timing of the feelings in the fwb relationship between the two main characters is all wrong until the very end of the movie. TIMING.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

This newest movie version of The Great Gatsby had to do something to stand out from the other 5 Great Gatsby movies. Why? Because all the other Great Gatsby movies were absolutely terrible. The Great Gatsby is known as the great American novel that can not be made into a great movie. All versions of the Great Gatsby, while some may have done well in the box office, have been labeled as horrible movies. So director Baz Luhrumann decided to try something different with his adaption with GG. He has already turned Romeo and Juliet into a contemporary film in a modern time. So what Baz did with GG was he kept the setting of the film in 1922, but he decided to blend the jazz music of 1922 with contemporary upbeat rap/hip hop music to create a unique musical score for the film. Baz brought in huge names in the music industry such as Jay Z, Beyonce, Will.I.AM, and many more. The rap music blended into the jazz gives the film an old feeling of the 1920's but it also adds a new hip cool feeling to the film to keep it feeling exciting, just as jazz music was new and exciting in the 20's. The unexpected music added something different to the film which hopefully made it different enough from the other films so that it is not bad. I think the music definitely fit in with the mood of the movie in the fact that it was new and exciting, the song "Bang Bang" fit in perfectly with the party scene to give it an exciting cool kinda weird feel to it. All in all I would say that the new music certainly didn't hurt the movie.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

I didn't fully follow the process that the book describes in that section. But writing a rough draft is always necessary. My rough drafts usually arent that rough because what I like to do is put a lot of effort into them and most of my planning before hand. That way when I write my rough draft I just do it very well and then I just have to edit it. One thing that is very rough about the rough drafts I write is the grammar and spelling. I am an awful speller so I usually just let autocorrect take care of the problem. And if autocorrect doesn't take care of the spelling problem I just keep typing and fix it when I am done with the paper or done writing for the day. Grammar I usually just rely on re reads to catch the grammar errors and then rely on peer edits to catch the rest of the issues. I think writing multiple drafts is stupid and a waste of time unless the draft actually sucks a lot. I think you should just polish the draft a lot and do what you need to do to fix it if it is fairly good to begin with. The mandatory drafts you made us do definitely made me begin my paper early. Please keep setting mandatory draft days early because as soon as you give us one I usually try and do more than necessary and end up finishing early.