Wednesday, August 21, 2013

HS Writing Process

My writing process in high school was very effective. I usually made A's on all my papers and I think that is because the teachers gradually eased us into the more difficult writing. But as of last year my process in writing a paper or essay is as follows. At first my teacher would tell us that an assignment was coming up, if the paper was about a book we were reading then I would think about what I could use in the book when writing my paper later and prepare accordingly. If the paper was not about a book then I would go straight to ignoring the teacher and start thinking about what I was going to write about. I would occasionally think about some ideas, and then when the teacher told us a brainstorm would do my ideas would come out pretty easily and I would then form a solid plan. The what came next was research and finding quotes which is tedious, but not too bad. The hardest part of the process for me is writing the outline. This is the hardest worst part of the process because here is where I basically write my paper and know exactly how it will turn out. I have to plan out where everything will be and how the transitions will work and basically write my paper then. The next part is easy. I just have to fill in my outline and turn short sentences into longer more advanced trains of thought that become my paper. I pick out good vocab words that will look good in the paper, and basically make the paper long enough, advanced enough, and good looking enough to get an A. My paper goes from a short 2-3 page outline, to a beautiful near perfect essay. One hard part at the end though is often the conclusion because by that time I'm often tired, and usually out of ideas, I feel redundant writing my conclusion because I've already said all those things before. I would love to write a 2-3 sentence conclusion that gets the job done. But I have to stretch it out and become stupid and wordy just because the teacher needs a longer concluding paragraph. Which is stupid, I clearly can write a paper seeing as how I just did before the conclusion. Anyways, that was my typical process of writing papers or essays in high school.

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